Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Teaching plan as a proposal for actions

Lesson plan can be taken as a proposal for actions since it is an instrument for a successful accomplishment of a lesson or achievement of instructional objectives that have been set.
It is a proposal as it is a rough sketch of what and how to teach, which might be practically applied fully and further in the course of lesson plan application, the activities not necessarily included in the lesson plan might also be performed depending upon the classroom situations, interest of the students and inherent nature of the lesson.
'It is a proposal for actions' means it can welcome those actions which are intermittently desirable in the classroom and which may not necessarily be per-determined in the lesson plan itself.
Since the sketch of the lesson plan is more likely to trigger for further novel activities in response to the immediate classroom contexts, it is also known as the proposal for actions.

Also Read: What is a lesson plan?
Also Read: What are planning questions?
Also Read: What is a lesson shape?

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