Friday, November 24, 2017

Parts of News Article

1. The Headline:
Each news story has the headline on the top. It indicates the natue of the news story. It is written in the fewest possible words. It helps the readers to identify most of the text. It is attractive and catches the attention of the readers.
2. By-line:
The line that indicates the author i.e. authorship or the nature of the author.
3. Dateline:
It is the date on which the news story has been written. It is placed just before the beginning of the news story. It involves two types of information place and date.
4. Attribution:
In order to maintain the reliability and credibility
of the news content, the author attributes it to other sources which is called attribution. The attribution of the news adds quality to the news and justifies the professionalism of the news repertoire/ author.
5. Body of the News Story:
It includes the lead or the introduction and supporting details. The news contents are thematically structured in the inverted pyramid style.
6. Lead:
The part of the news story that has the main idea is the lead. It is either the first sentence or the first paragraph. Also known as introduction or Intro. It must be clear, interesting and attractive so that the readers can e led for further reading of the news. The lead mainly responds to the following interrogations who- the person or object related to the event, what-the event/object related, when-the time of the event, where-place of the event, why purpose/reason connected to the event, how-the manner of the event.

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