Friday, November 24, 2017

What is Precis? How to write precis?

A precis is a short version of a passage containing only the main points and main supporting points.
Characteristics of precis:
  1. leaves out details, illustrations, and subordinate ideas;
  2. is shorter than the original passage by about two thirds; 
  3. is an accurate reflection of the facts and opinions in the original passage; 
  4. is written in standard English using full sentences and paragraphs (where necessary)
Writing Procedure:
  1. Read the passage several times, the first time quickly to get a general idea of the contents, the second time more slowly to understand the details. 
  2. Find synonyms for important words in the passage. 
  3. Make notes of the main ideas in your own words. 
  4. Check your list of main ideas against the original passage. 
  5. Write from memory without looking at original. 
  6. Check against the original after you finish.
Also Read: Summary and Precis: similarities and differences
Also Read: What is summary? How to summarize?
Also Read: What is paraphrasing?


  1. If I may make a request , would you be kind enough to upload some SOLVED EXAMPLES for precis writing ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. See the following comment and suggest some editions!

  2. or send them to my email id -

  3. As thank to your response to this answer!


    The Example Paragraph
    "It is evident that those in the prime of life will be between the young and the old in character, subtracting the excess of either, and neither exceedingly confi￾dent (rashness is such) nor too fearful but having the right amount of both, nei￾ther trusting nor distrusting everybody but rather making realistic judgments and not directing their lives only to what is fine or what is advantageous but to both and neither to frugality nor to extravagance but to what is fitting. Similarly, in regard to impulse and desire. And they combine prudence with courage and courage with prudence, while among the young and the old these things are
    separated; the young are brave and lack restraint, the older prudent and co old age speak in general terms, whatever advantages youth and have separately, [those in their prime] combine, and whatever the former have to excess or in deficiency, the latter have in due measure and in a fitting way. body is in its prime from the age the The this much mind about be said about the kinds of character of youth and old age and the prime of life."

    The Précis of given paragraph (68words)

    "The character of those in the prime of life lies midway between that of youth and of age. Neither rash nor timid, neither skeptical nor over-trusting, they usu￾ally make choices on a true basis. They are not given to excess in desire, nor to lack of feeling or parsimony. They live respecting both honor and expediency. In short, the most useful traits of youth and age are theirs."

  4. Dear Sir/ Madam, does first person change to third person in precis writing?
